Today we will learn about probably one of the first "Sutras" (meaning: formulas, Hindi) called Urdhva-Tiryak Sutra
In English, it means "Vertically and Crosswise". The demonstration below shows how one can shorten the calculation done:
Conventional Method | Vedic Method |
How is it done? What's the trick? Well... nothing too great. It can be easily observed if you are very strong in Algebra. Ok.. you'll get it when I explain.
The Vedic calculation is done as told by the sutra: Vertically and crosswise. First, take unit digits of the two numbers, 2 and 6 in this case. Multiply. Units digit of the result, 2, is written in first row while tens digit, 1, is written in second row. The first row is result row. The second is the carry-over.
Now, take two digits at a time - 32 and 46 - multiply crosswise and vertically, ie, 3 by 6 and 2 by 8. Add. The result is 26. Add the carry-over. Units digit - 7 - is written in the result row. 2 is carry over.
Now, take three digits - 232 and 246. Multiple 2 by 6, 3 by 4 and 2 by 2. Add. Add the carryover - 2 - to it. You get 30.
Carry on till you are done will all digits - increasing the number of digits into consideration by one. One you reach the limit, start removing digits from the last.
For example, after you are done with 28232 and 53246, apply the same algorithm with 2823 and 5324. Notice that I've removed the units digits - 2 and 6. Now start removing one by one and complete.
Here is the algebraic explanation of the calculation:
ax2 + bx + c dx2 + ex + f ---------------------------- adx4 + (ae + bd)x3 + (af + be + cd)x2 + (bf + ce)x + cf ----------------------------
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